I've noticed the Godot game engine by default has some audio stuttering/crackling issues in the browser that might appear on some devices, especially mobile. 

I've made an attempt at fixing that by playing the audio manually using the browser's capabilities and not the game engine's audio system. This makes it more difficult to work with audio, but it is manageable for small projects.  

Edit 1: Never mind. My fix apparently introduces a big audio delay on phones. Guess I'll have to do something else.

Edit 2: I implemented an official Godot fix for this. It isn't great because it might cause problems on apple devices and older phones. I really hope it doesn't.

Edit 3: Uhhh... The big audio delay was because of my cheap bluetooth headphones. I kind of forgot they have an almost 1 second delay. I'll go back to the custom audio fix.

Edit 4: Still encountering problems. Great.  I'll go back to the official fix.

Edit 5: The official audio fix has severe crackling when using wireless headphones on mobile. I'll go back to the custom fix. It had the least amount of issues, except coding usability.

Also I've noticed that the minimal size of a Godot web project is 13 MB. This is big for a web page so I looked around and found several articles on reducing the size the game engine files. This official guide has helped me reduce the size of the files from 13 MB to 10 MB with almost no loss of crucial functionality, i think? This slight improvement is noticeable on slow connections, maybe? 

I'm not sure why I am concerning myself with these things. I am a novice programmer and I've made nothing worth anything yet. Should I bother this early on?

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